만주국처럼 티베트도 본래 중국 영토가 아님에도 중국 영토로 보도되고 있다.

>> Ifill: Now, the growth of Christianity in China. Lindsey Hilsum of independent television news reports from Yunan province, on the border with Tibet.


   순교의 피로 티베트에 뿌린 복음의 씨가 드디오 전도의 열매 맺기 시작.

Christmas is coming, and mass is being held at the tiny church in Cigu. These are the descendants of Buddhist peasants who converted 150 years ago when European missionaries brought the bible. It's not been easy. In Cigu village, the older people remember the Swiss missionary who was allegedly murdered by Buddhist monks in 1949, and more recently, the cultural revolution of the 1960s and '70s, when the Chinese communist party suppressed all religion.



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