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Nosu, Mangbu of China
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Nosu, Mangbu of China
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Although they have been officially included under the Yi nationality by the Chinese authorities, the Mangbu Nosu possess their own ethnicity, history, and language. This group calls itself Nosu (Black People). Mangbu is the name of a town in Zhenxiong County which is the geographic center of the Mangbu Nosu. one source states that "Mangbu is an ancient tribal name."

In the past, the Mangbu Nosu were one of six powerful tribes who ruled over the region. This alliance rejected Chinese rule of the area, which resulted in centuries of conflict and war between the Nosu and the various Chinese armies that were sent to subdue them. Today, the Mangbu Nosu long for their former glory, but they realize they have no chance of overpowering the Chinese. They view themselves as a defeated people.

Hatred between the Nosu and the Chinese fighters reached such a fever pitch that both sides resorted to cannibalism. Missionary Samuel Pollard, writing in the early 1900s, stated, "A sort of cannibalism is practiced in this area by both Chinese and Nosu. After a fight the warriors who are killed on either side are opened and their hearts removed, perhaps also their tongues, and these are cooked and eaten. It is supposed to be a way of inheriting the courage and valor of the deceased."

Polytheism is the stronghold of the Mangbu Nosu. As a result, fewer Mangbu Nosu have believed in Christ than among other Yi groups in the area. Pollard recorded a sample of the resistance he experienced in 1905: "We crossed the sides of a big mountain ... and finally arrived at the fort of a Nosu landlord called Lohchig. He received us kindly and we stayed there the night, but he is a very unusual local baron. He told us straight he would rather lose his head than become a Christian. He refused all gifts of books, disputed all we said and denied all our attempts to win him over. He stuck up strongly for his religion and defended the worship of idols with great zest."

Although most Mangbu Nosu have refused to consider the gospel, there are about 1,000 believers among them, especially in Hezhang County of Guizhou. Villages there are often divided along religious lines, with Christians forced to live in separate communities.

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  Submit Update:
Country: China
Northeast Asia
Persecution Rank: 13 (Only top 50 ranked, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
Location within Country: More than 65,000 Mangbu Nosu live in the northeastern part of Yunnan Province and in the adjoining areas of Hezhang County in Guizhou Province. The majority of Mangbu Nosu (48,800) live in the southern and central areas of Zhenxiong County in the Zhaotong Prefecture of Yunnan Province. More than 2,000 also live in the mountains of Weixin County.
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People Name in Country: Nosu, Mangbu
People Name General:
Nosu, Mangbu
Alternate People Names:
Baiyi Black Yi
Hei Yi Mang-pu Yi
Mangbu Yi Nuosu
White Yi
ROP3 Code: 114261
Joshua Project People ID: 18640
Population in this Country: 79,000
Population all Countries: 79,000
Engagement Status: Unengaged
Tibetan / Himalayan Peoples
People Name General:
Nosu, Mangbu
Ethnic Relationships: Affinity Bloc -> People Cluster -> Peoples Ethnicity Tree
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Primary Language:
Nasu, Wusa (79,000 Speakers)
Language Code (16th): yig    Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages Spoken:
Religion [2]
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Primary Religion:
Ethnic Religions
Major Religions:
Buddhism 0.00 %  
Christianity 2.00 % (Evangelical: 1.50 %)
Ethnic Religions 95.00 %  
Hinduism 0.00 %  
Islam 0.00 %  
Non-Religious 3.00 %  
Other / Small 0.00 %  
Unknown 0.00 %  
Christianity Segments:
Anglican 0.00 %
Independent 100.00 %
Protestant 0.00 %
Orthodox 0.00 %
Other Christian 0.00 %
Roman Catholic 0.00 %
(Evangelicals distributed across Christianity segments)
Progress Indicators [3]
Progress Scale[4] 1.2   Evangelicals >.01% but <=2%. Professing Christians <=5%
Engagement Status: Unengaged
GSEC Status: Level 1   Less than 2% Evangelical. Some evangelical resources available, but no active church planting within past 2 years
Agency Progress (API): Level 3   Multiple agencies involved
Church Progress (CPI): Level 3   Group of churches
Bible Translation Status
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Bible Portions: Help start a Bible Translation
New Testament: None Reported
Complete Bible: None Reported
Ministry Activity
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Description: Register your ministry activity among this people group. Contact the Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse to learn about others that might be focused on this people group.
Nosu, Mangbu of China
* Notes:
  1. Significant effort is made to match photos with people groups. In most cases the photo source has identified the people group. However, in some instances when the exact people group is not identified Joshua Project has made educated attempts at matching. As a result some photos may be representative of the people cluster rather than the specific people group. If you believe a photo is not matched with the correct people group, please contact us.
  2. Certain percentages display as '0.00%' because of space limitations, but some may be slightly greater than zero. The exactness of numbers presented here can be misleading. Numbers can vary by several percentage points or more.
  3. Discrepancies may exist between "Progress Indicators" because of the varying sources of information. Joshua Project does not have specific ministry activity data supporting each of the "Progress Indicators."
  4. The Joshua Project Progress Scale is an approximation of church planting progress based on all progress indicators available. For a fuller explanation, click here. If you have additional information, please contact us.
  5. These are links to external sites not managed or controlled by Joshua Project. A link to an external page does not necessarily imply that Joshua Project a) endorses the organization(s) or person(s) providing them, b) agrees with the ideas expressed or c) attests to the correctness, factuality, appropriateness, or legality of the contents. Joshua Project does not know the exact content of web audio recordings. In general they are Bible reading and teaching.
  6. As on-site realities are understood, barriers of acceptance may be found in many of the larger people groups that will require multiple distinct church-planting efforts.
  7. This data may contain errors and needs continual correcting and updating. To send feedback, please contact us.




동물의 날고기를 먹고 피를 마시며, 심지어 산채로 먹기까지…… 아직도 원시 모계사회 단계에 머물러있는 원시부족의 부락이 중국 선양에 있다. 선양 치판산에 가면 볼 수 있는 원시부족은 사실 선양시가 최근 개발한 관광상품이다. 관광상품 개발사는 선양 치판산에 100만 평 규모의 화궈산 신비계곡이란 관광구역을 개발하여 야만인 부족이 이곳에 정착하게끔 하였다고.

이 원시부족은 이전까지는 줄곧 중국과 미얀마, 베트남 국경지역 등지의 깊은 산중에서 생활해왔다. 1000여 년이 넘도록 외부 사회와
격리되어 살아온 이들은 할머니가 집안의 가장을 맡는 원시적 모계사회를 유지하며 일처다부제의 전통을 이어가고 있다. 모계사회가
5000년 전의 사회 시스템임을 감안하면, 현대인과 야만부족 사이엔 5000년이라는 발전 격차가 존재하는 셈이다. 거주지를 선양으로 옮겨
정착한 후에도, 이들은 여전히 과거부터 내려온 생활방식을 고수하고 있다.

부족 사람들의 모습은 검은 피부와 새하얀 이, 왜소하지만 다부진 체격 등 중국인보다는 동남아인의 외관에 더욱 가까워 보인다.
선양 사람들은 이들을 ‘야인’이라 부르지만 이들은 실제로 야만적이라기보단 순박함이라는 단어가 더 어울린다. 놀랍게도 자신들만의
언어와 문자 체계도 가지고 있다.
원시부족이 선양에 정착하게 된 결정적인 계기는 이들과 20여 년 간 친밀한 관계를 유지해온 천궈둥씨의 공헌이 컸다. 천씨의 설득으로 원시부족은 천여 년 만에 세상 밖으로 나와 현대문명과 조우하게 되었다. 선양으로 오는 도중에는 처음 접하는 비행기에 대한 공포로 부득이하게 기차로 이동하기도 했다.
원시부족은 날고기를 먹는 식습관뿐 아니라, 뜨거운 숯을 밟고 지나가거나 달궈진 강철을 혀로 �는 등 기인이나 가능한 ‘차력’으로도
일반인들을 놀라게 하였다. 실제로 부족의 한 젊은이는 칼날로 만든 계단과 유리조각 위를 걷고도 상처 하나 남지 않아 일반인과는
다른 이들의 신체적 능력을 확인시켜 주었다. 


jia peng fang 연주 - 수련(water lily) 입니다.




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