![Photographed by Kelli Swazey on Siladen Island, North Sulawesi, 2006](http://www.anthropology.hawaii.edu/images/banner/ks1.jpg)
Cultural Anthropology
![Maggie Bodemer](http://www.anthropology.hawaii.edu/Programs/The%20four%20subfields/Cultural%20Anthropology/images/maggie1.jpg)
Andrew Arno, PhD
Legal anthropology, ethnography of communication, kinship and social organization; Pacific <aarno@hawaii.edu>
C. Fred Blake, PhD
Social theory, ideology, folkloristics, political economy, complex social formations; China <fblake@hawaii.edu>
Alex Golub, PhD
Cultural anthropology; 'kinship' and identity; governance, indigenous land tenure, mining and natural resources, common and intellectual property, semiotic technologies; Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, massively multiplayer online video games <golub@hawaii.edu>
Eirik J Saethre, PhD
Medical anthropology, indigenous health, HIV/AIDS, biomedical interventions; Aboriginal Australia, South Africa <saethre@hawaii.edu>
Cultural anthropology, indigenous theory and methodology, colonialism, nationalism, identity, gender, cultural politics; Pacific, Hawai`i <ttengan@hawaii.edu>
Geoffrey M. White, PhD
Cultural anthropology, cultural studies, history and memory, self and emotion, ethnographic methods, Pacific Islands, America <white@hawaii.edu>
Christine R. Yano, PhD
Cultural anthropology, popular culture, ethnomusicology, cultural nationalism, emotions; Japan, Japanese-Americans <cryano@hawaii.edu>
Additional Graduate Faculty
Nicholas Barker (PhD, East-West Ctr Education Prog)
Cultural anthropology, religious self-mortification, culture concept, theory of ritual, self-sacrifice and the body; Philippines, Asia <barkern@eastwestcenter.org>
Robert Borofsky (PhD, Hawaii Pacific U)
Public anthropology, the anthropology of anthropology, Pacific history; Oceania <borofsky@hpu.edu>
Keith Brown (PhD, University of Pittsburgh)
Cultural anthropology; family histories; farmer production decision; religious syncretism; ethnicity and the Emperor; globalization and food, family and car culture; Japan <LKB@pitt.edu>
William Chapman (PhD, American Studies)
Historic preservation, historical archaeology, history of anthropology <wchapman@hawaii.edu>
Nancy Cooper (PhD, Lecturer)
Socio-cultural anthropology, performance, gender, expressive culture, ritual and religion; Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Java, Singapore <ncooper@hawaii.edu>
Emanuel Drechsel (PhD, Liberal Studies)
Historical sociolinguistics, ethnohistory, North American Indians; North America <drechsel@hawaii.edu>
Suzanne Falgout ( PhD, University of Hawai'i - West O'ahu )
Cultural and historical anthropology; Micronesia <falgout@hawaii.edu>
Jefferson M. Fox (PhD, East-West Center)
Land use, forest resources and management, GIS and spatial information technology; South Asia, Southeast Asia <foxj@eastwestcenter.org>
Michael Hamnett (PhD, RCUH)
Applied policy research, economic development, research management; Oceania <hamnett@hawaii.edu>
Pensri Ho ( PhD, Ethnic Studies )
Transnational migration, globalization, asian Americans, ethnographic film; US <pensri@hawaii.edu>
Nancy Kleiber (PhD, Lecturer)
Women's health care, feminist anthropologies; Pacific Islands <nankleiber@hawaii.rr.com>
Roderick Labrador ( PhD, Director, GEAR UP, Student Affairs)
Cultural anthropology, identity, immigration political economy, globalization and diaspora; Hawai'i/Pacific, Philippines, Filipina/American and Asia Pacific America <labrador@hawaii.edu>
Lamont Lindstrom (PhD, University of California at Berkeley)
Cultural anthropology, sociolinguistics, ethnohistory, social theory; Oceania, Vanuatu <lamont-lindstrom@utulsa.edu>
Gregory G Maskarinec (PhD, Family Medicine & Community Health)
Anthropology of language (Nepalese oral texts), western biomedical clinical medicine, mededucation and indigenous medical systems of Soth Asia; religions (belief systems, ritual and performance); <gregorym@hawaii.edu>
Jonathan Y. Okamura (PhD, Ethnic Studies)
Ethnicity and ethnic relations, Asian American studies, Philippines, Hawai'i <okamuraj@hawaii.edu>
Jan Rensel, (PhD, Center for Pacific Islands Studies)
Performance, gender, expressive culture, ritual and religion; Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Java, Singapore <rensel@hawaii.edu>
Paul J. Ross, (MA, St. Francis Hospital)
Quantitative methods, nutritional and medical anthropology, human ecology, medical systems, field methods in cultural anthropology; West Africa <paul@fhs-hi.org>
Jaida Samudra (PhD, Lecturer)
Cultural anthropology, identity, ethnic-nationalisms, socialities, the body in kinesthetic cultures, experiential ethnography, history of social theory, Chinese diaspora, Southeast Asia, Indonesia <jaida@hawaii.edu>
Miriam Sharma (PhD, Ctr for South Asian Studies)
Agrarian class formation and gender relations, political and economic development, methodology; South Asia <csas@hawaii.edu>
Eric Wittersheim (PhD, EHESS, Paris)
Political and urban anthropology, visual anthropology and documentary filmmaking, nationhood and state-building, Vanuatu, Melanesia, Oceania <ericwittersheim@hotmail.fr>
David Y.H. Wu (PhD)
Cultural anthropology, ethnicity, anthropology of food; China and Chinese diaspora <wuyenhe@aol.com>
Heather Young Leslie, (PhD)
Medical and feminist anthropology, culture and health, medicine and modernity, health professionals; Tonga, Oceania <hyleslie@hawaii.edu>
Emeritus Faculty
Jack Bilmes, PhD
Linguistic anthropology, social interaction, discourse; Thailand <bilmes@hawaii.edu>
Stephen T. Boggs, PhD
Sociolinguistics and socialization, methods, education, ethnic groups in Hawai`i
Alice G. Dewey, PhD
Economics, kinship, Javanese conceptual frameworks; Southeast Asia, Pacific
Ben R. Finney, PhD
Socio-economic change, cultural adaptation to sea and space; Pacific Islands <bfinney@hawaii.edu>
Alan Howard, PhD
Cultural anthropology, adaptation to change, ethnological theory; Polynesia, Rotuma <ahoward@hawaii.edu>
Robert C. Kiste, PhD
Cultural/social anthropology, cultural change; Oceania <kiste@hawaii.edu>
Takie S. Lebra, PhD
Culture and self, communication, social organization, women, career, elite; Japan
page last updated June 6, 2011
'† 중.몽.러歷史HISTORY > 문화인류학 참고자료' 카테고리의 다른 글
Cultural Anthropology - Journal Information (0) | 2010.09.15 |
cultural anthropology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia (0) | 2010.08.12 |
Cultural anthropology/From New World Encyclopedia (0) | 2010.06.03 |
NYU > Anthropology > Socio-Cultural Anthropology (0) | 2010.05.10 |