Cultural Anthropology

This 14,000-piece collection, global in scope, concentrates on material culture items from historic and contemporary native cultures around the world, and Pre-Columbian collections from the Southwest, Mesoamerica, and South America.

Major collections include the Irene Sedgwick Briedis Kenyan collection, the Capt. H.H. Bodfish Arctic collection, and the Bernice Goetz Mesoamerican and South American collection.

Currently, the staff is studying the changes and/or preservation of traditional techniques of contemporary arts and crafts of North America, Mexico and Indonesia.

The Department of Cultural Anthropology offers programs giving an opportunity for a more in-depth look at the discipline. 

The Department of Archaeology offers programs giving an opportunity for a more in-depth look at the discipline. Undergraduate students interested in a paid summer internship in this discipline are encouraged to investigate the Adopt-A-Student program.

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