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예수 영화 / Jesus 耶穌 / 中国語


 화면이 안나오면 아래를 바로가기를 링크해서 관람하시길 바랍니다.


 예수사랑 중국영혼사랑 http://www.zhu.or.kr/

"예수"영화(中國語) The Jesus Film (Mandarin-China Version with Subtitles) (耶穌傳)
Chinese Audio: The Life of Jesus Christ
The story of the Life of Jesus, His birth, life, death and resurrection. How he suffered and died to save You.


 CHINA "예수영화" / "Jesus" 中国語
 <화면확대는 영상에 더블크릭 하시길 바랍니다>
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